Can TikTok and Insta Take Over the Traditional News Industry?
A 2023 Reuters Institute report has found that more young people are accessing news on Tiktok. What are the implications of this? Dominik Jones shares his thoughts.
A 2023 Reuters Institute report has found that more young people are accessing news on Tiktok. What are the implications of this? Dominik Jones shares his thoughts.
The pandemic has truly opened people’s eyes to the power of data, offering a huge opportunity for brands post-pandemic to help shape the news agenda and and get their voices heard.
Good news has been distinctly lacking in 2020. A reaction to both the pandemic and various political and social crises has been a 'good news movement', organisations actively promoting positivity.
The way we share and consume news has changed entirely with 24-hour news channels and social media. But a new journalistic style is emerging - we find out more about the growing trend of 'slow news.'
How have our media consumption habits changed during the coronavirus lockdown? Our London director, Xanthe, collected views from colleagues, partners and journalists on the subject.
Fake news is a phenomenon that has plagued democracies in recent years. It’s therefore, more important than ever that brands and aspiring thought leaders alike consider...
Understanding new trends is important if we want to continue reaching our target audiences as the media landscape shifts.
Time is flying by at Fourth Day and Quatrième Jour – we can hardly believe it’s mid-November already!
In our second edition of Breaking the Fourth Wall, Nikki speaks to Carmel Giblin, president and CEO of Ethical Supply Chain Program, about ESG, greenwashing and communicating across the supply chain