
Today we welcome the return of our monthly Q&A which should hopefully help our lovely readers to get to know us a little better. This month we’ve quizzed, director and co-founder, Xanthe Vaughan Williams!

Xanthe Lite


  1. Favourite band as a teenager?
    The Smiths
  2. If you could travel anywhere in time, where would you go and why?
    I’d like to visit one of the salons run by the ladies of Paris in the 18th century that were full of all the artistic heroes of the day.
  3. Tea or coffee?
    Tea then coffee then tea again.
  4. Name one modern appliance you could/would choose to live without?
    Mobile email.  I depend upon it but fear its tyranny.
  5. What can’t you live without?
    Fresh air.
  6. What event would you choose to enter in the Olympic Games if you had to pick one?
    Wheelchair fencing.
  7. Favourite memory of your childhood?
    Visiting London where my sister was living.  I was 12, she was 19 and living in a bedsit and it seemed like the most glamorous and exciting place in the world.
  8. If you weren’t in PR, what would your dream job be?
    That depends on the day.  Sometimes it’s being a star of stage and screen, sometimes it’s being a gardener. Or a mechanic.
  9. Favourite all time song and why?
    Soave il vento from Mozart’s Cosi Van Tutte – it’s beautiful, has lots of special memories for me and it was playing when my eldest child was born.
  10. What do you think the next big thing in the media will be?
    Sending information directly into people’s minds rather than having to go through ears or eyes. But I think it’s still a few years off!

The author

Xanthe is co-founder and director of Fourth Day

More about Xanthe