Fourth Day’s four-legged friends

Today is one of the most exciting days in any dog lover’s calendar – Bring Your Dog To Work Day! In celebration, we’ve decided to introduce you to our canine chums, some of whom are joining us in our offices today. Here we grill them on the hot topics you’re dying to know more about.


Strong eye contact from a tenacious negotiator.

Breakfast networking or after-work drinks?

After work drinks. I do get up early but it’s mainly to eat and poo. I’m much more fun later on.

Office life or working from home?

Office life for me. I love the variety of my work – security guard, food wastage disposer, stress buster.

Facebook or Twitter?

Twitter. It takes me a while to type so the limit of 140 characters works well for me. Catch me tweeting here.


Dapper Jim is never underdressed for a meeting.

Breakfast networking or after-work drinks?

Definitely breakfast networking. I LOVE breakfast! And mornings!

Office life or working from home?

I prefer working from home as the commute is a bit busy and hot for me.

Facebook or Twitter?

I’m going to have to go with Facebook – I’m a bit of big deal on there as my family members like putting up photos of me.


Paddy’s a people pooch who loves networking.

Breakfast networking or after-work drinks?

I don’t enjoy waking up in the morning so I’ll have to go with after-work drinks.

Office life or working from home?

Working from home for me!

Facebook or Twitter?



Rolo’s a bit camera-shy.

Breakfast networking or after-work drinks?

I’m more of a breakfast networking dog.

Office life or working from home?

I love working from home. The commute has too many underground bits, crowds and escalators for my liking.

Facebook or Twitter?

Twitter – it’s much quicker which means more time for belly scratching.


Nougat’s an active gal who regularly hits the slopes whilst on annual leave.

Breakfast networking or after-work drinks?

I’ll say breakfast networking, it’s my favorite meal and I can easily grab some more food discreetly…

Office life or working from home?

Office life is better in my view – I like when other people are around!

Facebook or Twitter?

Ashamed to say I prefer Facebook. I’m always really curious about what my pals are up to!


Is your dog joining you at work today? If so, we’d love to see a pic – tweet us @FourthDayPR

The author

Lizzie is an Associate Director in the Manchester team

More about Lizzie